Understanding Loan Assumption Math Without Going Mad
Law360, New York ( March 31, 2016, 11:58 AM EDT) -- If your anxiety level rises at the thought of having to solve math word problems, then preparing the closing statement for a loan assumption transaction may have the same effect. A loan assumption transaction is rare enough and different enough from a typical sale-purchase transaction to make one pause and question whether the numbers are all there, what the numbers represent, whether they are moving targets and whether they are allocated correctly. Numbers that are usually just a seller's concern (timing of monthly payment, loan payoff calculation, escrow balance credit or refund) or just a buyer's concern (new loan fees, prepaid interest, new escrow requirements) in a sale-purchase transaction are more of a joint concern and impact the calculation of cash due at closing. Help overcome your loan assumption math anxiety by reading on — many words, few numbers....
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