Mealey's Construction Defects Insurance

  • November 29, 2023

    Declaratory Action Dismissed As Premature; Insurers Ordered To Pay Attorney Fees

    NEW YORK — After dismissing as premature insurers’ action seeking a declaration regarding their obligation to indemnify their insureds in an underlying construction defect suit related to leaky window curtains, a New York justice ordered the insurers to pay the insureds’ attorney fees, concluding that the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decisions cited by the insurers in opposition “misapprehend the governing precedents in this area of the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division.”

  • November 29, 2023

    Appeal Ends Jurisdiction Over Construction Defect Case, Federal Judge Says

    PHILADELPHIA — A notice of appeal immediately stripped a district court of jurisdiction to hear a subsequent motion for reconsideration of a ruling finding that a man’s construction defect case involved the very types of foreseeable damages that an insurer has no duty to defend, a federal judge in Pennsylvania said Nov. 28.

  • November 28, 2023

    CGL Insurer, Insured Agree To Dismiss Coverage Suit Over Defective Flame Arresters

    SEATTLE — A commercial general liability insurer and a manufacturer of fire and explosion mitigation systems on Nov. 27 submitted a stipulated notice of dismissal in the insurer’s declaratory action over its obligation to defend and indemnify its insured for an underlying action alleging that flame arresters the company installed in five paper mills were defective.

  • November 28, 2023

    Insurer Argues That It Owes No Coverage For Judgment Against Contractor

    WILMINGTON, Del. — An insurer that filed a complaint for declaratory judgment in a federal court in Delaware against a contractor and homeowners association filed an answer to counterclaims by the association on Nov. 27, arguing that it owes no coverage for more than $8 million in damages awarded to the association in its underlying case against the contractor for excessive water infiltration and other issues.

  • November 27, 2023

    2nd Circuit Refuses To Rehear Professional Liability Coverage Dispute

    NEW YORK — The Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals issued a mandate on Nov. 27 after it denied a lawyer insured’s petition for rehearing en banc seeking to reverse its ruling that a professional liability insurer has no duty to defend the insured’s construction management company against a lawsuit arising from a home renovation project, standing by its conclusion that the underlying complaint fails to allege professional services that the insured provided as a lawyer to trigger coverage.

  • November 22, 2023

    Hawaii High Court:  Express Reimbursement Provision Needed To Recover Defense Costs

    HONOLULU — Insurers “may not recover defense costs for defended claims unless the insurance policy contains an express reimbursement provision.  A reservation of rights letter will not do,” the Hawaii Supreme Court said in answering a question certified to it by a federal district court in a coverage dispute over whether insurers owe a contractor and developer a duty to defend in a lawsuit over construction defects discovered at a condominium project.

  • November 20, 2023

    Electrical Contractor’s CGL Insurers Settle Dispute Over Coverage For Defects Suit

    EL PASO, Texas — An electrical contractor’s commercial general liability insurers on Nov. 17 notified a federal court in Texas that they had reached a settlement in their dispute over their responsibility to cover their mutual insured in an underlying construction defects action and requested that the case, which was set for a bench trial on Dec. 4, be removed from the court’s docket while they finalize dismissal documents.

  • November 16, 2023

    Flooring Subcontractor Appeals No Coverage Ruling In Gym Floor Spat To 8th Circuit

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A flooring subcontractor on Nov. 15 notified a federal court in Arkansas that it is appealing to the Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals the lower court’s ruling granting summary judgment to its insurer in its breach of contract and declaratory relief action seeking coverage for the replacement of a gym floor.

  • November 08, 2023

    Louisiana Panel: Professional Liability Insurer Of Engineer Cannot Be Held Liable

    BATON ROUGE, La. — A Louisiana appeals court panel concluded that because an engineer insured has no liability to Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (TPCG) as a matter of law, the engineer’s professional liability insurer also cannot be held liable to TPCG, affirming a lower court’s summary judgment rulings in favor of the insurer and engineer in a lawsuit arising from a contractor’s claims that plans, specifications and bidding documents were inadequate and insufficient to properly construct a road in Terrebonne Parish.

  • November 06, 2023

    Contractor, Insurer Object To Recommendations In Sewer Pipe Coverage Row

    SEATTLE — An insurer and a contractor have filed objections to a magistrate judge’s recommendations related to several summary judgment motions in a coverage dispute over the contractor’s alleged faulty construction of a conveyance pipe for a sewer overflow control project, with the contractor arguing that a Washington federal judge should find that it owes no duty to defend the contractor because there is no coverage available to the contractor as an additional insured and that summary judgment should be denied for the contractor’s insurer, and the contractor objecting to the magistrate’s recommendation on defense costs owed by the insurer.

  • November 02, 2023

    Arkansas Federal Judge Finds No Coverage Owed For Gym Floor Replacement

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A flooring subcontractor’s insurance policy excludes losses caused by defects in workmanship or construction, and damage to a newly installed vinyl gym floor was caused by a painting subcontractor’s misapplication of paint, rather than a covered peril, so the policy’s ensuing loss provision was not triggered, a federal judge in Arkansas ruled Nov. 1, granting summary judgment to the flooring subcontractor’s insurer.

  • November 02, 2023

    Subcontractor’s Insurer Dismissed From Insurer’s Duty To Defend, Contribution Suit

    FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The Texas Anti-Indemnity Act (TAIA) applies to an insurance policy issued to a subcontractor and, therefore, policy provisions providing additional insured coverage or requiring the insurer to indemnify a contractor for the contractor’s own negligence or fault are unenforceable, a federal judge in Arkansas ruled Nov. 1 in granting the subcontractor’s insurer’s dismissal motion.

  • November 01, 2023

    Texas Panel Affirms Insurer Must Indemnify Concrete Contractor For $2.2M Judgment

    EL PASO, Texas — A Texas appellate panel on Oct. 31 affirmed that a commercial general liability insurer must indemnify its concrete contractor insured for an underlying $2.2 million judgment, rejecting the insurer’s arguments that the contractual liability, your product and your work exclusions in the policy bar coverage.

  • November 01, 2023

    Stay Granted In Insurance Rescission Suit Due To Overlap With Underlying Case

    SAN FRANCISCO — A California federal judge granted a stay in an insurer’s suit against its insured and a lessee contracting with the insured for a remodeling project, seeking rescission of policies and a declaratory judgment that there is no duty to defend and indemnify the insured in an underlying negligence suit regarding the remodeling project, finding that factors weigh in favor of a stay, including the overlapping facts in the underlying action and the declaratory judgment suit.

  • November 01, 2023

    New Jersey Panel Affirms Judgment For Insurer In Condo Water Intrusion Suit

    TRENTON, N.J. — Finding that a lower court did not err in determining that policy exclusions bar coverage for construction defects claims against a condominium developer or in applying the discovery rule to the condominium association’s claims, a New Jersey appellate panel on Oct. 31 affirmed the lower court’s rulings denying the association’s motion for summary judgment and granting summary judgment to the insurer.

  • October 27, 2023

    Contractor Did Not Timely Report Claim; No Professional Liability Coverage Owed

    LOS ANGELES — A California appeals panel affirmed a lower court’s summary judgment ruling in favor of a professional liability insurer in a contractor insured’s breach of contract and bad faith lawsuit, finding that the insured failed to timely report underlying counterclaims for negligence, delay, breach of contract, construction defects and failure to complete construction.

  • October 26, 2023

    Subcontractor’s Insurer Appeals Judgment In Pavement Coverage Row To 7th Circuit

    CHICAGO — A subcontractor’s insurer on Oct. 25 appealed to the Seventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals an Illinois federal judge’s decision in a coverage dispute over the failure of pavement at a Michigan outlet mall to deny its motion for summary judgment and grant the competing summary judgment motion of another subcontractor’s insurer because the underlying complaint does not allege an “occurrence” or “property damage” to trigger the second insurer’s duty to defend.

  • October 25, 2023

    Insurers, Contractor Address Rain Exclusion In Briefing Before 9th Circuit

    SAN FRANCISCO — A contractor “argues it can sidestep the Rain Exclusion by recharacterizing the rain and snow that fell on the incomplete roof as a different ‘peril’ than that contemplated by the” exclusion, but the exclusion “unambiguously contemplates and excludes damage from rain and snow that damages the Project’s interior before its roof is finished,” the contractor’s all-risk insurers say in urging the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to affirm a lower court’s grant of summary judgment in their favor.

  • October 25, 2023

    Insurer, Subcontractor Agree To Dismiss 9th Circuit Appeal Over $2.5M Award

    SAN FRANCISCO — The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ordered the dismissal of an insurer’s appeal of a lower court’s 2021 ruling granting its subcontractor insured summary judgment on breach of contract and bad faith claims and awarding it $2.5 million, granting the parties’ stipulated motion for voluntary dismissal.

  • October 24, 2023

    Leaky Roof Suit Transferred From Western District Of Texas To Southern District

    AUSTIN, Texas — A federal judge in Texas has granted a commercial general liability insurer’s unopposed motion to transfer a breach of contract suit against it stemming from the replacement of a roof that later leaked to another federal court in Texas “where the relevant witnesses, the Property, key events, and documents are located.”

  • October 24, 2023

    In Revised Ruling, Illinois Panel Reverses, Finds Insurer Entitled To Subrogation

    CHICAGO — An Illinois appellate panel on Oct. 24 reversed a lower court’s grant of summary judgment to an engineering firm in a builders risk insurer’s suit seeking subrogation damages for the flooding of a building under construction, finding that the trial court erred in finding that the insurer does not meet the prerequisites for equitable subrogation because the insurer’s right to subrogate stemmed from the insurance contract.

  • October 23, 2023

    Lawyer Insured: Panel’s Ruling Guts Professional Liability Insurer’s Duty To Defend

    NEW YORK — A lawyer insured on Oct. 21 filed a petition for rehearing en banc seeking to reverse the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals’ ruling that a professional liability insurer has no duty to defend its construction management company against a lawsuit arising from a home renovation project because the underlying complaint fails to allege professional services that the insured provided as a lawyer to trigger coverage, arguing that the panel’s decision “abrogates decades of black-letter New York insurance law that favors insureds, effectively gutting an insurer’s duty to defend.”

  • October 17, 2023

    3rd Circuit Dismisses Contractor’s, Homeowners’ Appeal In Mold Coverage Case

    PHILADELPHIA — The Third Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has dismissed homeowners’ and their contractor’s appeal of a lower court ruling that the contractor’s insurer owes them no coverage for personal injuries one of the homeowners sustained as a result of a mold infestation caused by the contractor’s negligent workmanship after the parties stipulated to dismissal following mediation.

  • October 17, 2023

    Builder’s Coverage Dispute Over Home Subject To Flooding Dismissed After Settlement

    FORT WORTH, Texas — A federal judge in Texas has dismissed with prejudice a homebuilder’s suit against a commercial general liability insurer, which in 2022 he found had a duty to defend the builder in a coverage dispute over its alleged failure to disclose to homebuyers that a home it built was subject to flooding after the parties filed a joint motion for dismissal of the case.

  • October 16, 2023

    Mississippi High Court Majority: Fire Not Latent Injury To Trigger Discovery Rule

    JACKSON, Miss. — A majority of the Mississippi Supreme Court found that a fire that started in a metal storage bin containing wood shavings the night after a welding company had repaired the bin was not a latent injury to trigger the discovery rule, affirming that a subrogated insurer’s negligence suit against the welding company is time-barred.