Attached Documents
- Opinion
- Judgment
- Departments’ appellant brief
- Addendum to departments’ appellant brief
- Health care providers’ appellee brief
- Air ambulance providers’ appellee brief
- Departments’ reply brief
- Health care providers’ notice with Consumers’ Research v. Consumer Product Safety Commission opinion attached
- Departments’ response re Consumers Research
- Department’s notice re Loper Bright
- Health care providers’ response re Loper Bright
- Health care providers’ notice re Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- ABC, et al.’s amicus brief
- AHIP’s amicus brief
- BCBSA’s amicus brief
- LLS, et al.’s amicus brief
- AMA and AHA’s amicus brief
- The American Society of Anesthesiologists, et al.’s amicus brief
- EDPMA’s amicus brief
- PAI, et al.’s amicus brief
- February 2023 ruling vacating and remanding parts of the departments’ final rule