Mealey's Fracking

  • March 09, 2023

    Fracking Company Says Colorado Agency’s Remediation Order Deprives It Of Revenue

    DENVER — A drilling and well service company has sued the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) in state court challenging the legality of the COGCC’s order of noncompliance with regard to remediating hazards, which the company says effectively requires it to shut down wells and deprives it of operating revenue by suspending its authority to transport and sell oil and gas.

  • March 09, 2023

    Group:  Agency’s Arguments Opposing Offshore Fracking Case ‘Have No Legal Basis’

    LOS ANGELES — An environmental advocacy group filed a brief in California federal court arguing that its lawsuit pertaining to offshore oil and gas activities along the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) is valid and contending that the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) arguments that the case should be dismissed “have no legal basis and conflict with considerable precedent.”

  • March 08, 2023

    DOI: Groups Fail To Show Unlawful Delay In Plan To Develop Offshore Drilling

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) has filed a brief in the District of Columbia Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals arguing that oil and gas industry trade groups have not established standing and have not shown that there has been an unlawful delay in the DOI’s program for oil and gas leasing in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).

  • March 08, 2023

    Class Says Fracking Company Breached Its Contract By Failing To Pay Royalties

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A putative class of hydraulic fracturing royalty owners has sued an oil and gas company in Arkansas federal court contending that it has breached its obligations by failing to pay royalties based upon the gross proceeds actually received on the sale of natural gas to third-party purchasers at the pipeline interconnects, without deductions.

  • March 08, 2023

    Amici:  High Court Review Of Coastal Zone Fracking Case Needed For Economic Reasons

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Texas and other states have filed an amicus curiae brief in the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that it should grant review of a hydraulic fracturing trade group’s petition regarding the interpretation of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) because the lower court ruling jeopardizes the “economic driver” of oil and gas production in their respective states and conflicts with the decisions of other circuit courts.

  • March 08, 2023

    Native American Groups Oppose Fracking Advocates In Case About Drilling Moratorium

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A Native American tribal government and other tribal parties filed a brief in Alaska federal court contending that it should deny a motion for summary judgment sought by hydraulic fracturing advocates who say the Biden administration unlawfully imposed a moratorium on fracking.  The tribal government says the fracking proponents’ arguments are “based on fundamental misapprehensions” regarding both executive actions and the analysis conducted by federal agencies.

  • February 27, 2023

    Judge Denies 2nd Motion To Nix Plaintiff Attorney In Abandoned Wells Case

    WHEELING, W.Va. — A federal judge in West Virginia denied a hydraulic fracturing company’s second attempt to disqualify the counsel for landowners in a dispute over abandoned wells, ruling that there is no ethical violation on the part of the fracking operator’s former employee Bryan “Wayne” Bowman II or the plaintiffs’ counsel because during his employment he did not serve in any official capacity in its in-house legal department.

  • February 27, 2023

    Canada Not Liable For Revocation Of River Fracking Permit, Tribunal Says

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has published a split tribunal’s award rejecting a U.S. hydraulic fracturing company’s claim for more than $103.6 million against the government of Canada for allegedly breaching the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by revoking its permit to explore and frack oil deposits under the St. Lawrence River.

  • February 23, 2023

    Fracking Lease Case Removed To Federal Court As Fracking Company Seeks Payment

    SHREVEPORT, La. — An oil and gas company defendant on Feb. 22 removed to Louisiana federal court a lawsuit brought by a hydraulic fracturing company that seeks payment for portions of minerals extracted from certain wells, which the fracking company maintains it is owed pursuant to leases negotiated between the parties.

  • February 22, 2023

    North Dakota Seeks Injunction To Fix ‘Unlawful’ Fracking Lease Sale Cancellation

    BISMARCK, N.D. — The state of North Dakota filed a reply brief in North Dakota federal court seeking an order that the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) hold quarterly lease sales for hydraulic fracturing on federal land when there is land that is eligible and available under the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA).

  • February 10, 2023

    Groups Seek Intervention In Federal Fracking Lease Case, Dispute Wyoming’s Claims

    CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Environmental conservation groups moved in Wyoming federal court to intervene in a hydraulic fracturing lease dispute, arguing that the state of Wyoming’s lawsuit against the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) claiming that its decision to pause federal lease sales is unlawful “flies in the face of the plain language” of the Mineral Leasing Act (MLA) and would impair the groups’ interests.

  • February 10, 2023

    Appeals Panel:  Fracking Operators Liable, But $40.12M Award To Be Recalculated

    ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio — A divided Ohio appellate panel has affirmed a summary judgment ruling for mineral rights holders on their claims of bad faith trespass and conversion against a hydraulic fracturing operator, but it remanded the case to the trial court for a recalculation of a $40,129,357.62 award for damages related to the ownership of the surface rights in question.

  • February 10, 2023

    Biden Administration: Fracking Lease Case Fails To Meet Burden Requiring Action

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The Biden administration filed a brief in Alaska federal court contending that it should dismiss a case filed by groups that advocate for hydraulic fracturing activity in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) because the groups “do not approach the steep burden required to compel agency action,” nor do they demonstrate that the administration’s moratorium on federal lease sales in that region violated federal law.

  • February 09, 2023

    Judge Says Fracking Royalty Payment Case Fails Based On Contract Language

    SCRANTON, Pa. — A federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed a royalty dispute brought by landowners against hydraulic fracturing companies, ruling that the landowners’ breach of contract claims pertaining to the calculation of royalties fail based on language in a clause of the contract.

  • February 08, 2023

    Louisiana Says Federal Agency Did Not Violate Law When It Held Fracking Lease Sale

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The state of Louisiana has filed a brief in the District of Columbia Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals arguing that the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) did not violate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by conducting hydraulic fracturing lease sales.

  • February 08, 2023

    Landowners:  Bid To Disqualify Fracking Witness ‘Relies On Rhetoric And Conjecture’

    WHEELING, W.Va. — Landowners who sued a hydraulic fracturing operator have filed a brief in West Virginia federal court contending that the operator’s motion to disqualify the testimony of its former employee Bryant “Wayne” Bowman II, who plans to testify for the plaintiffs, “relies on rhetoric and conjecture rather than applying the relevant law to the facts.”

  • February 07, 2023

    Trade Groups Seek To Sever, Move Wyoming Cases In Fracking Permit Dispute

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Energy trade groups that are intervenors in a hydraulic fracturing permit dispute have asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to sever the claims challenging the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) approval of applications for permits to drill (APDs) in Wyoming and transfer them to federal court in that state.

  • February 07, 2023

    Texas Jury Awards $41.92M To Companies For Interference With Fracking Rights

    TILDEN, Texas — A jury in Texas state court has awarded $41,920,180 to two hydraulic fracturing operators for damages from an injection well operated by a pipeline company and its affiliate.  The jury found that the pipeline company interfered with the fracking operators’ ability to drill for oil by injecting hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas into the well, which then contaminated the rock formation.

  • February 07, 2023

    Energy Company Says City Of Los Angeles Took Its Property Unconstitutionally

    LOS ANGELES — An energy company on Feb. 6 sued the city of Los Angeles in California federal court contending that it is liable for the unconstitutional taking of property related to its oil and gas leases without just compensation and arguing that the city has infringed on the company’s right to free speech.

  • February 03, 2023

    Mineral Interest Holders Tell Texas Supreme Court It Must Clarify Indemnity Issue

    AUSTIN, Texas — Two oil and gas interest holders who are challenging a $71.61 million jury award for Exxon Mobil Corp. have filed a reply brief in the Texas Supreme Court arguing that the court should grant their petition to clarify that settlements for which indemnity is sought must be allocated between indemnified and nonindemnified matters.

  • February 02, 2023

    Landowners: ‘No Valid Reason’ For Order To Stop Discovery In Abandoned Well Case

    WHEELING, W.Va. — Landowners who are suing a hydraulic fracturing operator on Feb. 1 filed a brief in West Virginia federal court contending that “there is no valid reason” to grant the operator’s motion to disqualify the plaintiffs’ counsel, nor is there a reason to issue a protective order to stop discovery of non-public information while the motion to disqualify is pending.

  • February 02, 2023

    10th Circuit Partly Reverses In Groups’ Fracking Permit Dispute

    DENVER — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) did not predetermine the results of a supplemental environmental analysis for hydraulic fracturing permits but violated federal law by not thoroughly examining the impact the permit approvals have on certain emissions, the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals held Feb. 1 in a partial win for a Native American association and environmental groups.

  • February 01, 2023

    Remand Needed To Decide Sovereign Rights Issue In Fracking Suit, Tribe Argues

    ST. LOUIS — A dispute between a North Dakota Indian tribe and the federal government over a hydraulic fracturing project on tribal land should be remanded to decide whether the project poses enough of a threat to tribal health and welfare that the tribe retains its inherent sovereign power to regulate it, the tribe tells the Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in a reply brief.

  • February 01, 2023

    Groups Say Federal Agency Violated Law With Issuance Of 32 Fracking Leases

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Environmental groups have filed a petition in New Mexico federal court seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), contending that they violated federal laws when they authorized 32 oil and gas leases covering more than 5,942 acres in New Mexico that would become available for hydraulic fracturing.

  • January 30, 2023

    President Biden’s National Monument Reservations Were ‘Unlawful,’ Utah Says

    SALT LAKE CITY — The state of Utah and two municipalities have filed an amended complaint in their lawsuit against the Biden administration over the dimensions of two national monuments, the boundaries of which have potential implications for hydraulic fracturing and have been disputed across multiple presidential administrations.  The plaintiffs argue that the Antiquities Act “never contemplates ‘monuments’ double the size of Delaware.”

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