A judge struck out Laing O'Rourke's defense against a £35 million ($44 million) claim over alleged defects in the construction of a luxury residential development in central London on Thursday after the construction company withdrew from the litigation at the "last minute."
A judge struck out Laing O'Rourke's defense against a £35 million ($44 million) claim over alleged defects in the construction of a luxury residential development in central London on Thursday after the construction company withdrew from the litigation at the "last minute."
An employment tribunal has dismissed a Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP lawyer from a former Amazon worker's unfair dismissal claim after ruling the Dallas-based associate had been dragged into the claim in a case of mistaken identity.
A London judge ruled Thursday that claims by British music royalties outfit Hipgnosis over unpaid royalties against singer Barry Manilow must be dealt with by a court in Los Angeles before proceedings in the U.K. can move forward.
IDBI Bank Ltd. can recover more than $143 million from the guarantor of a loan at the center of a criminal investigation in India, a judge ruled Thursday, saying that a letter of comfort issued by the company controlling the borrower is legally binding.
Qatar's former prime minister on Wednesday blocked a hotelier and property investor from serving a £3.7 million ($4.7 million) claim on him outside England in a dispute over an unpaid bill for renovations of his palatial London home.
British trader Sanjay Shah and others accused by Denmark's tax authority of involvement in a fraudulent trading scheme to procure billions in tax refunds argued in a London court Thursday that they could not have fraudulently applied for the refunds because they believed the trades were legitimate.
Wearable technology company Whoop convinced a London court on Thursday to revoke a rival's patent over a sports bra that measures the heart rate of the wearer — though the judge held that the tech would otherwise have infringed the patent.
A London judge on Thursday rescinded an injunction Slush Puppie's owner had won freezing over £20 million ($25.2 million) worth of a rival slurpee maker's assets, ruling that the previous judge didn't know all the facts.
The company behind Stable Diffusion criticized Getty's "piecemeal and obscure" claims on Thursday as the two sides prepare for a summer trial, demanding greater clarity because of the importance of the first U.K. case over training a generative AI model on copyrighted material.
The Polish government can't offer corporate tax exemptions to investment funds managed outside the country unless it offers the same benefits to domestically managed funds, the European Court of Justice ruled Thursday.
Tesco on Thursday won a second shot at introducing expert economist evidence as part of its equal pay battle with mostly female shop workers who claim they were unfairly paid less than their predominantly male warehouse staff counterparts.
An employment tribunal has ordered a popular wildlife TV channel to pay a former employee £95,203 ($120,675) after it feigned concerns about the legality of his remote work in order to fire him.
A former court clerk has won the right to collect the majority of his £226,800 ($287,500) retirement payout, convincing a tribunal that the Ministry of Justice can only subtract £88,800 for a lump sum he has already picked up.