Los Angeles Dodgers LLC

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  1. August 16, 2011

    Merchandiser Can't Compel Dodgers In Contract Decision

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Tuesday refused a demand from the Los Angeles Dodgers' official merchandiser to compel the team to either assume or reject its contract, ruling it cannot renege on a bargain by which the team is abiding.

  2. August 08, 2011

    Dodgers Get $150M DIP Loan From MLB

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Monday gave the green light for the Los Angeles Dodgers to borrow $150 million from Major League Baseball after the once-proud franchise, bleeding cash, struck out on a bid to borrow from a hedge fund.

  3. August 05, 2011

    Dodgers Seek Court Approval For $150M Loan From MLB

    The Los Angeles Dodgers asked a Delaware bankruptcy judge on Friday to approve a $150 million loan from Major League Baseball that would keep the team operating for the remainder of the season.

  4. August 04, 2011

    Judge Clears Dewey, Young Conaway As Dodgers' Counsel

    A Delaware bankruptcy judge on Wednesday approved the retention applications of the Los Angeles Dodgers' choice of reorganization counsel, rejecting Major League Baseball's warning that the firms may be torn between the interests of the team and those of its owner.

  5. August 01, 2011

    Fox Sports Fights Blackstone's Work On Dodgers TV Rights

    A Fox Sports Net Inc. regional affiliate objected Friday in Delaware to the bankrupt Los Angeles Dodgers' plan to retain Blackstone Advisory Services LP to advise on the sale of its media rights, because it could interfere with the network's existing agreements to broadcast Dodgers games.

  6. July 29, 2011

    MLB Says Dodgers' Counsel Has Conflicting Interests

    Major League Baseball on Thursday told a Delaware bankruptcy judge that the firms representing the Los Angeles Dodgers — Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP and Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP — may be torn between the interests of the team and those of its owner.

  7. July 20, 2011

    MLB, Dodgers Trade Hits Over $150M Ch. 11 Funding

    The Los Angeles Dodgers and Major League Baseball feuded in Delaware bankruptcy court Wednesday over who would provide a $150 million loan to fund the team's reorganization, with the team railing against a league-sponsored alternative as a thinly veiled bid for control of the club.

  8. July 18, 2011

    Dodgers Creditors Say MLB Loan Deal Beats Fund Offer

    Unsecured creditors of the Los Angeles Dodgers LLC told a Delaware bankruptcy judge on Monday that a $150 million financing offer from hedge fund firm Highbridge Capital Finance LLC is inferior to a competing pitch by Major League Baseball.

  9. July 15, 2011

    MLB Sweetens Terms In Fight For Dodgers DIP Loan

    Major League Baseball on Thursday enhanced its bid to finance the Los Angeles Dodgers during its time in Delaware bankruptcy court by offering a longer repayment that would allow the team time to negotiate a new TV contract with Fox.

  10. July 12, 2011

    MLB Gets Limited Discovery Of Dodgers' Lender

    A Delaware bankruptcy court on Tuesday granted Major League Baseball limited discovery from the hedge fund that loaned $60 million to the Los Angeles Dodgers as the league attempts to supplant the loan with an MLB-sponsored financing package.