June 10, 2019
Insys Therapeutics, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Hutchison & Steffen
- Rosner Law Group LLC
- Consovoy McCarthy
- Klehr Harrison
- Ferry Joseph
- Chamberlain Hrdlicka
- Potter Anderson
- Patterson Belknap
- Holland & Knight
- Pachulski Stang
- Stoel Rives
- Cole Schotz
- Whiteford Taylor
- Sills Cummis
- Faegre Drinker
- Hagens Berman
- Landis Rath
- Chipman Brown
- Hughes Hubbard
- Weil Gotshal
- Pillsbury Winthrop
- Benesch
- Womble Bond
- Shipman & Goodwin
- Theodora Oringher
- Reid Collins
- McCarter & English
- Connolly Gallagher
- Akin Gump
- Eckert Seamans
- May Potenza
- Stevens & Lee
- Halperin Battaglia
- Berger Mcdermott
- Bielli & Klauder
- Richards Layton
- Sullivan Hazeltine
- Morris Nichols
- Montgomery McCracken
- Blank Rome
- Duane Morris
- Robins Kaplan
- Hogan McDaniel
- Brown Rudnick
- Buchanan Ingersoll
- Skadden Arps
- Chiesa Shahinian
- Barrett Law Group
- Bonville & Howard
- Gilbert LLP
- Wagstaff & Cartmell
- Keller Postman
- Law Firm of Russell R. Johnson III
- McDermott Will & Emery
- Howard & Howard
- Lowenstein Sandler
- Morgan & Morgan
- Wilson Sonsini
- Seward & Kissel
- Young Conaway
- Cross & Simon
- Orlans PC
- Mayer Brown
- Iron Mountain Inc.
- Covance Inc.
- Pioneer Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- H.D. Smith LLC
- Cencora Inc.
- Ernst & Young LLP
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- Ironshore Inc.
- The Cigna Group
- FTI Consulting Inc.
- Receptor Life Sciences
- Lazard Ltd.
- McKesson Corp.
- Johnson & Johnson
- Toyota Motor Corp.
- Bessemer Group Inc.
- Cardinal Health Inc.
- Salt River Project
Government Agencies
- Missouri Department of Revenue
- Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
- Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
- State of Indiana
- State of Michigan
- California Department of Health Care Services
- State of Maryland
- Commonwealth of Kentucky
- State of Nevada
- New York State Department of Health
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
August 01, 2024
Insys Trust Sees $6M Clawback For Ex-CEO's Defense Upheld
A Delaware federal judge has ruled a liquidating trust for drugmaker Insys Therapeutics can claw back $6 million paid out for the criminal defense of ex-CEO John Kapoor, affirming a bankruptcy court's ruling last year.
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