Texas, Plaintiff v. New Mexico and Colorado

  1. May 23, 2018

    NM Hits Back At Texas, Feds In High Court Water-Sharing Row

    New Mexico fired back Wednesday in a U.S. Supreme Court lawsuit in which Texas and the federal government accuse it of violating a Rio Grande water-sharing deal by allowing its residents to siphon off more than their share of the water before it gets delivered to Texas.

  2. March 05, 2018

    High Court Says US Can Pursue NM Water-Sharing Claims

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday said the federal government may pursue claims that New Mexico has violated a Rio Grande water-sharing deal by allowing its residents to siphon off more than their share of the water before it is delivered to Texas.

  3. March 12, 2014

    NM Accuses Gov't Of Water Grab In Spat With Texas

    New Mexico Attorney General Gary King on Tuesday asserted that the federal government has taken Texas' side in the states' dispute playing out at the U.S. Supreme Court over the allocation of water from the Rio Grande in an attempt to grab New Mexico's groundwater.

  4. January 29, 2014

    Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Texas-NM Water Fight

    Texas officials said Wednesday that the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to greenlight a suit against New Mexico over the allocation of water from the Rio Grande is a major step forward in the state's efforts to protect its water rights.

  5. December 11, 2013

    US Urges Supreme Court To Take Up Texas-NM Water Fight

    The Obama administration urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to allow Texas to proceed with its complaint against New Mexico and expedite a battle between the states over the allocation of water from the Rio Grande under an interstate compact.