May 15, 2020
J. C. Penney Direct Marketing Services LLC
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- A. M. Saccullo Legal
- Barclay Damon
- Caluda Law Firm
- ChasenBoscolo
- Chehardy Sherman
- Chhabra & Gibbs
- Christianson & Freund
- Faegre Drinker
- Fishman Jackson
- Fox Rothschild
- Frost Brown
- Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani
- Greenberg Traurig
- Haynes Boone
- Holland & Knight
- Hunton Andrews
- Husch Blackwell
- Jackson Walker LLP
- Jones Walker
- Kane Russell
- Kelaher Connell
- Kelley Drye
- Law Office of Mark S. Roher
- McDermott Will & Emery
- Milbank LLP
- Morgan Lewis
- Munsch Hardt
- Norton Rose
- O'Connor Acciani
- Reed Smith
- Schauer & Simank
- Spence Desenberg
- Spencer Fane
- Steptoe LLP
- Streusand Landon
- Tran Singh
- Williams Mullen
- Zendeh Del & Associates
- Mithun Inc.
- Nike Inc.
- Simon Property Group Inc.
- Tempur Sealy International Inc.
- Turnberry Associates Inc.
- Washington Prime Group Inc.
- WP Glimcher Inc.
- Yahoo Inc.
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
February 03, 2025
Under The Radar: Bankruptcy News You May Have Missed
A New Jersey event venue, a lithium battery maker and the operator of one of the world's largest cobalt refineries hit Chapter 11; retailer Party City wants to beef up security for its current and former directors, citing threats of violence; and yet another former member of Byju's Alpha's top brass was sanctioned for contempt of court.
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