Alexander E. Jones
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Adams & Reese
- Akin Gump
- Broocks Law Firm
- Cain & Skarnulis
- Caldwell Cassady
- Chamberlain Hrdlicka
- Elliott Thomason
- Gibson Dunn
- Haselden Farrow
- Hawash Cicack
- Jones Murray LLP
- Latham & Watkins
- Law Office of Liz Freeman
- Lewis Brisbois
- Martin Disiere
- McCarthy & Holthus
- Paul Weiss
- Pillsbury Winthrop
- Porter Hedges
- Quilling Selander
- Streusand Landon
- Walker and Patterson
- Willkie Farr
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
December 02, 2022
Alex Jones Files Ch. 11 In Wake Of Sandy Hook Judgments
Right-wing conspiracy-monger Alex Jones filed for Chapter 11 protection early Friday in Texas bankruptcy court, listing as his largest creditors family members of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting victims who obtained defamation judgments against him exceeding $1 billion.