SVB Financial Group v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Silicon Valley Bank et al

  1. December 02, 2024

    FDIC Must Face Some Of SVB Ex-Parent's Claims In $1.9B Suit

    A California federal judge has pared down a lawsuit looking to force financial regulators that stepped in after the high-profile collapse of Silicon Valley Bank to return some $1.9 billion in frozen deposits to the bank's former operator as part of a multipronged effort to recover the funds.

  2. May 13, 2024

    SVB's Bid To Recoup $1.9B Runs 'Counter To Law,' FDIC Says

    The bankrupt former parent company of Silicon Valley Bank can't sue to collect $1.9 billion in deposits held by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. when it took receivership over funds after the bank failed, the FDIC told a California federal judge, saying the majority of SVB's latest lawsuit over the funds should be thrown out.

  3. March 06, 2024

    SVB Parent Co. Sues Receivers Over $1.9B In Withheld Funds

    Silicon Valley Bank's former parent company has sued the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in its capacity as receiver for its defunct subsidiary and Silicon Valley Bridge Bank in California federal court, alleging it was wrongfully denied its administrative claims to recover approximately $1.9 billion in account funds and other deposit claims.