April 04, 2024
ConvergeOne Holdings, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Abernathy Roeder
- ArentFox Schiff
- Bracewell LLP
- Buchalter APC
- Cohne Kinghorn
- Davis Polk
- Dykema
- Faegre Drinker
- Forshey Prostok
- Frost Brown
- Gibson Dunn
- Gray Reed
- Harris Beach PLLC
- Hunton Andrews
- Latham & Watkins
- Linebarger Goggan
- McCarthy Lebit
- McElroy Deutsch
- Perdue Brandon
- Peri & Stewart
- Polsinelli PC
- Porter Hedges
- Proskauer Rose
- Taylor English
- White and Williams
- White & Case
- Akamai Technologies Inc.
- AlixPartners LLP
- ConvergeOne Inc.
- CVC Capital Partners Ltd.
- Evercore Inc.
- Google LLC
- Grant Thornton LLP
- Liberty Mutual Insurance Group
- Oracle Corp.
- Salesforce.com Inc.
- Verint Systems Inc.
- Wells Fargo & Co.
Government Agencies
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
October 24, 2024
ConvergeOne Can't Ax Snubbed Creditors' Ch. 11 Plan Appeal
A Texas federal judge said he wouldn't toss an appeal by a group of secured creditors who say they were improperly iced out of a new equity offering pool for ConvergeOne, writing that the group's challenge wouldn't unravel the reorganized information technology services company's confirmed Chapter 11 plan or harm third parties.
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