Marco Destin, Inc., et al., Petitioners v. Shaul Levy, Individually and as Agent of L&L Wings, Inc., et al.
Case Number:
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March 03, 2025
High Court Declines Souvenir Store's TM Fraud Case
The U.S. Supreme Court said Monday it will not consider a Florida souvenir store chain's challenge to a Second Circuit decision shutting down its case that a bankrupt beachwear company fraudulently procured a trademark registration to secure a $3.5 million settlement.
January 24, 2025
Justices Urged To Review Souvenir Store's TM Fraud Case
A Florida souvenir store chain has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to consider its challenge to a Second Circuit decision foreclosing its arguments that a bankrupt beachwear company fraudulently procured a trademark registration to secure a $3.5 million settlement in yearslong litigation between the competitors.