Globalization of human rights and its universal standard | Tega Adjara

By Tega Adjara ·

Law360 Canada (May 15, 2024, 10:05 AM EDT) --
Tega Adjara
Tega Adjara
In an increasingly interconnected world, the globalization of human rights standards has become a pivotal force in shaping the global community. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international bodies, such as the European Commission of Human Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Commission play significant roles in advocating for and upholding universal standards of human rights across the globe. This essay explores how these organizations advocate for women’s rights, protester rights and other human rights issues, transcending geographical boundaries and challenging the influence of national governments and legislators.

Advocacy for women’s rights

One of the most prominent aspects of the globalization of human rights is the consistent advocacy for women’s rights worldwide. Organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch work relentlessly to address issues such as gender-based violence, discrimination in the workplace and access to education and health care for women, regardless of their geographical location. By championing these causes on a global scale, these organizations create a standard of equality and empowerment for women that transcends national borders.

Furthermore, the globalization of women’s rights has led to the establishment of international frameworks and conventions, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which provide a common set of guidelines for governments to adhere to. Despite variations in cultural norms and legislative systems, these standards serve as a benchmark for evaluating progress toward gender equality and holding governments accountable for their actions.

Advocacy for protester rights

Another key aspect of the globalization of human rights is the advocacy for protester rights, irrespective of geographical location. Organizations like the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the American Civil Liberties Union advocate for the protection of individuals’ rights to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression and protest against injustice and oppression.

This advocacy often challenges the authority of governments and legislative bodies that seek to suppress dissent and restrict fundamental freedoms. By highlighting cases of human rights violations against protesters, these organizations bring international attention to issues of repression and authoritarianism, fostering solidarity and support from the global community.

Challenges to national influence

The globalization of human rights standards poses a challenge to the traditional authority of national governments and legislators. While governments have historically been the primary actors responsible for defining and enforcing legal standards within their borders, the rise of international human rights organizations has shifted the balance of power.

These organizations operate independently of national governments and are not bound by their laws or political agendas. As a result, they are able to hold governments accountable for human rights abuses and advocate for change even in the face of resistance from local authorities. This challenges the notion that governments have sole authority over human rights standards within their territories and reinforces the idea of a universal standard that transcends national boundaries.

Key markers in defining global standards

While national governments may attempt to assert their influence over human rights standards, key markers such as the European Commission of Human Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Commission play a crucial role in defining global standards. These organizations have a reputation for upholding human rights principles and have the authority to investigate and address violations both within their respective regions and beyond.

Their decisions and recommendations carry weight on the international stage and serve as reference points for other countries and organizations seeking guidance on human rights issues. By establishing precedents and setting high standards for accountability and justice, these markers contribute to the strengthening of the global community and the promotion of universal human rights.


In conclusion, the globalization of human rights standards has played a significant role in strengthening the global community by advocating for women’s rights, protester rights and other fundamental freedoms on a global scale. Despite challenges from national governments and legislators, organizations like Amnesty International, the FIDH and key markers such as the European Commission of Human Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Commission continue to uphold universal standards of human rights, creating a more just and equitable world for all.

After completing his LLB at the University of East London, Tega Adjara pursued a specialized LLM in international law and the global economy. Adjara obtained a certification in leadership and management from the London School of Economics (LSE), then ventured to Canada to complete another LLM program at Osgoode Hall. Currently, he is going through the Ontario licensing program.

The opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author’s firm, its clients, Law360 Canada, LexisNexis Canada or any of its or their respective affiliates. This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal advice.   

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