Personal Injury

  • February 10, 2025

    The issue of duty of care in CRA collections and negligence claims

    In tort law, a duty of care refers to a legal obligation imposed on a person that requires maintaining a standard of reasonable care to avoid negligent actions that might result in harm to others. Establishing a duty of care is a key element of a negligence claim.

  • February 10, 2025

    Torts committed in sports: Potential liability

    Many people participate in recreational sports, including sports that expose a participant to risk of injury from falls or accidental contact with other participants. In some cases, participants can be injured as a result of deliberate contact by another participant. This can result in the other participant being charged criminally for their deliberate actions and lead to potential civil liability for any damages sustained by an injured participant.

  • February 07, 2025

    B.C. Court of Appeal: Parallel class actions not abuse of process before certification

    A proposed class action against a defendant facing a similar proposed class action in another jurisdiction is not inherently an abuse of process prior to the actions being certified, the B.C. Court of Appeal has held.

  • February 07, 2025

    Hosel rockets: The case of nuisance and Benny the Cat | Michael Cochrane

    One of the unexpected pleasures of playing golf can be the beautiful sounds experienced while on the course. I’m not talking about the wind whistling through the trees, birds chirping merrily or the burbling of brooks that may dot a course. I’m talking about the sound made by pure contact of golf ball on driver, of the soft thump of a crisp wedge shot as it stops softly on a green and, of course, the sweet hollow rattling clunk of a putt dropping in the cup. Those are the sounds that keep golfers coming back.

  • February 07, 2025

    ‘Arguable’ B.C. COVID-19 vaccine passport infringed woman’s equality rights: Court of Appeal

    British Columbia’s highest court has ruled that a vaccination passport regime initially imposed by the provincial government during the COVID-19 pandemic may have violated a woman’s equality rights — but declined to weigh in further on the issue because the initial rules were in place for a relatively short time and the circumstances surrounding are unlikely to be repeated.

  • February 06, 2025

    Saskatchewan report on domestic violence deaths echoes needed change: advocate

    A Saskatchewan advocate for ending intimate partner violence is pointing to a recent report on related deaths in that province as further evidence that changes are needed — particularly when it comes to assisting those in rural areas.  

  • February 06, 2025

    Public service union threatens legal action over ongoing Phoenix payroll system problems

    The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has threatened legal action against the federal government over its failure to meet its targets to resolve delayed or incorrect payments made to federal employees through the Phoenix pay system since its launch in 2016.

  • February 05, 2025

    Virani extols more diverse bench; says he’s working to get new wrongful conviction review body going

    In contrast to the new U.S administration’s dismantling of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies targeting hiring biases against members of racialized and other underrepresented groups, the Trudeau government is doubling down on its commitment to diversity, with Justice Minister Arif Virani proudly extolling the federal Liberals’ record of appointing many “brilliant” women and racialized jurists to the federal trial and appellate benches.

  • February 05, 2025

    Leo Pharma agrees to pay $437K to settle lawsuit over skin cancer risk from Picato

    Toronto-based Leo Pharma has agreed to pay $437,678 to settle a class action lawsuit alleging that its actinic keratosis treatment, Picato, increased patients’ risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

  • February 04, 2025

    Alberta COVID-19 report attacked as ‘anti-science and anti-evidence’

    A recent government-funded report on Alberta’s COVID-19 response is being slammed by medical and legal professionals as ignoring science and advancing misinformation.

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