City of Chicago v. Purdue Pharma L.P. et al.

  1. March 11, 2022

    Key Opioid Cases To Watch As Massive Wave Of Trials Looms

    Despite sweeping settlements and landmark verdicts, the nation's epic saga of opioid crisis litigation against Big Pharma is far from winding down, with the coming weeks heralding an unprecedented torrent of trials. Here, Law360 shares a detailed map of the opioid trials terrain and explores major lawsuits that are rapidly approaching moments of truth.

  2. December 07, 2021

    Opioid Jury Finally Sees Teva's Movie-Parody Sales Videos

    A New York jury on Tuesday watched internal Teva videos in which opioid sales staff parodied villains in "Austin Powers" and "A Few Good Men," after the company unsuccessfully fought to exclude what it called the "incredibly damaging" clips from trial.

  3. October 26, 2021

    Skadden Strives To Tame Flames In Endo's Opioid Imbroglio

    Scorched by cover-up claims in nationwide opioid litigation, Endo Pharmaceuticals is hoping for heroics from a Skadden squad that is belatedly revealing vast volumes of drug marketing records, a strategy that could simultaneously snuff out some discovery deficiencies and fuel new doubts about the drugmaker's initial transparency.

  4. October 19, 2021

    Teva Fears 'Incredibly Damaging' Parody Videos In Opioid Trial

    Teva Pharmaceuticals is scrambling to stop jurors in a New York opioid trial from viewing internal videos that transformed famous film scenes into parodies of narcotic painkiller marketing, warning that the clips are so provocative they could single-handedly destroy the drugmaker's defense.

  5. September 17, 2021

    Endo's Attys In 'Career-Wrecking' Peril As Opioid Woes Grow

    A flash flood of misconduct inquiries in opioid litigation across the country is rapidly engulfing Endo Pharmaceuticals and threatening to inflict considerable damage on the professional reputations of its Arnold & Porter attorneys, according to legal filings, court proceedings and interviews.

  6. September 07, 2021

    Chicago's Discovery Bid A Defective 'Attack,' Endo Says

    Endo Pharmaceuticals, which has been facing accusations that it and its lawyers at Arnold & Porter withheld discovery in multidistrict opioid litigation, has told an Illinois federal judge that Chicago's bid to compel depositions of its counsel in a bellwether case contains "numerous factual inaccuracies."

  7. August 17, 2021

    'No End In Sight' As Endo, Arnold & Porter Reveal Opioid Files

    The conduct of Endo Pharmaceuticals and its Arnold & Porter attorneys has thoroughly tainted discovery in multidistrict opioid litigation, an Illinois federal judge heard Tuesday, shortly after new disclosures showed that the law firm was recently threatened with a possible referral to the state bar authorities.

  8. July 28, 2021

    Endo, Arnold & Porter Accused Of Cover-Up In Opioid MDL

    Endo Pharmaceuticals and its Arnold & Porter lawyers are making "incredibly belated" discovery disclosures in multidistrict opioid litigation after a severe punishment for discovery violations in a separate opioid case, and an explanation under oath is needed, an Illinois federal judge heard Wednesday.

  9. May 28, 2021

    Key Opioid Trials To Watch As Cases Heat Up Nationwide

    With the coronavirus crisis cooling down, a pressure cooker of opioid litigation is heating up with long-awaited trials across the country. Here, Law360 maps out the hottest cases and spotlights must-know details in trials that are underway or imminent.

  10. April 20, 2021

    Chicago Pushes For Opioid Trial But Pharma Wants More Time

    The city of Chicago and drug companies offered opposing views Monday over how an Illinois federal judge should advance their bellwether suit over allegedly illegal opioid marketing, with Chicago pushing for a December trial that the drugmakers say would be too soon.