Oracle America, Inc. v. Oregon Health Insurance Exchange Corporation, et al

  1. December 09, 2015

    Ore. Takes Immunity Ruling In Oracle IP Suit To 9th Circ.

    Oregon's health department told a federal judge Tuesday that it would appeal to the Ninth Circuit a ruling last month that the state had waived 11th Amendment protections under a contract with Oracle America Inc. and could therefore be sued for copyright infringements for work done on Oregon's health insurance exchange.

  2. November 19, 2015

    Oregon Agency Immune To Oracle Copyright Suit, Judge Says

    An Oregon federal judge dismissed Oracle America Inc.'s copyright claim against a state agency that took over responsibilities from Oregon's health insurance exchange Wednesday, saying the agency has sovereign immunity under the 11th Amendment.

  3. April 15, 2015

    Ore. Claims Immunity In Health Site Copyright, Contract Suit

    An Oregon public corporation on Tuesday urged a federal judge to grant the state judgment in a copyright infringement and contract suit over a botched health care exchange website because the corporation will cease to exist in June, and the state has sovereign immunity.

  4. March 23, 2015

    Oracle Says Oregon Signed Away Immunity To Copyright Suit

    The state of Oregon cannot use the 11th Amendment to shield itself from Oracle America Inc.'s copyright infringement and contract suit over a botched health exchange website, because the state agreed to resolve potential disputes in district court, the software giant argued Friday.

  5. December 22, 2014

    Oracle Gets 2nd Chance To Argue Oregon Waived Immunity

    An Oregon federal judge held off deciding whether to throw out Oracle America Inc.'s suit accusing the state of breach of contract and copyright on Friday, saying it did not seem the state waived sovereign immunity, but giving Oracle the chance to beef up that claim.

  6. September 17, 2014

    Oracle Adds IP Claim Against Oregon In Health Exchange Row

    Oracle America Inc., which recently hit the state of Oregon with a breach of contract suit for allegedly continuing to use software developed by Oracle for the state's Affordable Care Act exchange despite never having paid approximately $23 million in fees, has added a copyright claim to the suit.