USA v. Cadden et al

  1. December 11, 2017

    Convicted Pharmacist's Wife Wants To Keep Money, House

    The wife of a pharmacist convicted of racketeering and fraud related to a deadly 2012 meningitis outbreak has asked a Massachusetts federal court not to make her husband forfeit properties, a trust fund, multiple bank accounts and other assets, arguing they belong to her too.

  2. December 07, 2017

    Feds Blast Ex-Pharmacist's Acquittal Bid In Meningitis Row

    The government urged a Massachusetts federal court Wednesday to not acquit a pharmacist convicted of 77 counts including racketeering and mail fraud for manufacturing deadly drugs in the 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak, saying the arguments presented to support acquittal have been rejected by the court or rely on facts dismissed by the jury.

  3. October 30, 2017

    NPR Station Can Get Meningitis Juror Names, But Must Wait

    A Massachusetts federal judge on Friday cleared Boston's WBUR to intervene in the now-completed murder trial of a former New England Compounding Center pharmacist, telling the NPR member station it can have access to jury names and hometowns, but not addresses, after sentencing.

  4. October 25, 2017

    Second Pharmacist Convicted In Meningitis Outbreak Trial

    A Boston federal jury on Wednesday convicted a former pharmacist of racketeering, mail fraud and other crimes for his role in a fatal meningitis outbreak stemming from a prescription steroid he mixed that was later found to be laden with mold, but found him not guilty of second-degree murder.

  5. October 24, 2017

    Jury Hints At Racketeering Conviction In Meningitis Case

    Jurors asked a federal judge on Tuesday to clarify what they should do after they agree that prosecutors proved the minimum requirements to convict a pharmacist of racketeering for his role in a 2012 meningitis outbreak that killed dozens of patients.

  6. October 20, 2017

    Meningitis Outbreak Murder Trial Sent To Jury

    Federal prosecutors in Boston asked jurors Friday to find guilty of murder a former Massachusetts pharmacist they claim recklessly and with extreme indifference to life caused a 2012 fungal meningitis outbreak that killed 64 people, while his defense blamed the pharmacy manager and poor training.

  7. October 19, 2017

    Ex-Pharmacist In NECC Meningitis Case Puts Blame On Boss

    A former Massachusetts pharmacist on Thursday asked a federal judge to acquit him of murder and other charges that allege he is responsible for a fatal meningitis outbreak, saying prosecutors failed to prove their case and undermined their own arguments by pinning the wrongdoing on his boss in a separate trial.

  8. October 18, 2017

    NPR Station Wants Names, Addresses Of Meningitis Jurors

    NPR member station WBUR sought Wednesday to get the names and addresses of jurors after they reach a verdict in the murder trial of a former pharmacist at New England Compounding Center, the laboratory at the center of a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak.

  9. October 17, 2017

    Boss Pushed Pharmacist To Step Up Testing Before Outbreak

    A Boston jury on Tuesday heard several emails from the boss of a former pharmacist on trial for murder that urged him not "cut corners" on sterility and potency testing for the prescription drugs he manufactured shortly before his laboratory landed at the center of a deadly fungal meningitis outbreak.

  10. October 16, 2017

    Gov't Scientists Tell Of Rare Outbreak As Trial Nears End

    Government scientists testifying in the final days of a murder trial for a former pharmacist at the center of a deadly meningitis outbreak on Monday described surprise at the extent of the fungal contamination and patients' infections.