United States of America, et al. v. Walgreen Co., et al.

  1. February 19, 2020

    Ill. Says Walgreens Bilked It Out Of $19M In Autorefills Fight

    The state of Illinois urged a federal court on Tuesday to preserve its False Claims Act allegations against Walgreens over prescription autorefills, saying its amended complaint adequately alleges a pharmacy owned by the retailer defrauded the state out of more than $19 million.

  2. October 10, 2019

    FCA Decision Tracker: Continued Interpretations Of Escobar

    More than three years after the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark Escobar decision, courts continue to wrangle with how to interpret the ruling in False Claims Act suits, including in a spate of recent cases addressing two key questions the justices left open.

  3. October 01, 2019

    Walgreens Ditches FCA Suit Over Prescription Autorefills

    An Illinois federal judge on Monday tossed a suit accusing Walgreens of automatically refilling prescriptions at an Illinois pharmacy, finding the government's False Claims Act case lacked sufficient detail and left "too many questions unanswered."