American Academy of Pediatrics et al v. Food and Drug Administration et al

  1. May 04, 2020

    4th Circ. Says Appeal Of E-Cig Compliance Deadline Is Moot

    The Fourth Circuit on Monday dismissed an appeal from various vaping groups challenging a compliance deadline for e-cigarettes, saying January directives from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have rendered the appeal moot.

  2. April 06, 2020

    E-Cigarette Deadline Extended Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

    A Maryland federal judge on Friday said that he would grant a 120-day extension to the deadline for e-cigarette regulatory applications in light of the novel coronavirus outbreak that has strained U.S. Food and Drug Administration resources and disrupted supply chains.

  3. July 12, 2019

    FDA Ordered To Impose 10-Month Deadline For E-Cig Apps

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration must impose a 10-month deadline for e-cigarette companies to submit applications to keep their products on the market, a Maryland federal judge has ordered, noting the court has the authority to establish such a deadline because of the "extraordinary circumstances" of the growing youth vaping trend.

  4. June 13, 2019

    FDA Puts Forth 10-Month Deadline For E-Cig Applications

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday proposed a 10-month deadline for e-cigarette companies to submit applications to keep their products on the market in response to a Maryland federal judge's ruling that the agency overstepped its authority by allowing e-cigarettes to stay on the market until 2022.