Empire Health Foundation v. Alex Azar, II

  1. June 24, 2022

    High Court Backs HHS In 'Baffling' Hospital Pay Fight

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday sided with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in a complex battle over special payments for hospitals in low-income areas, capping off a case that left the justices openly bewildered.

  2. November 29, 2021

    'Indecipherable' Medicare Law Leaves High Court Flummoxed

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struggled to solve a notorious mathematical muddle involving Medicare reimbursement for hospitals serving lower-income Americans, with several justices expressing bewilderment over legislative text that has spawned decades of litigation.

  3. March 24, 2021

    HHS Wants Justices' Review Of Hospital Reimbursement Fight

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services wants the U.S. Supreme Court to look at the Ninth Circuit's undoing of a rule relating to a reimbursement calculation for hospitals that serve a high amount of low-income individuals.