United States of America et al v. Spinefrontier, Inc. et al

  1. May 17, 2024

    FCA Relators Seek Finders Fee For SpineFrontier Doc Deals

    Three whistleblowers who tipped off the federal government to a medical device company's multimillion-dollar kickback scheme said Friday the Justice Department is refusing to pay them a cut of the $3 million in False Claims Act settlements paid by surgeons who admitted participating in the sham consulting ploy.

  2. April 27, 2020

    Spinal Surgeon To Pay Gov. $1.75M To Settle Kickback Claims

    An orthopedic surgeon agreed to pay the government $1.75 million to settle allegations that he accepted kickbacks in the form of sham consulting payments from a medical device company, the Massachusetts U.S. Attorney's Office said.