Vizcarra v. Unilever United States, Inc.

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Case Number:


See also:


California Northern

Nature of Suit:

Prop. Damage Prod. Liability

Multi Party Litigation:

Class Action


Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers



Sectors & Industries:

  1. February 27, 2023

    Consumers Get Class Cert. In Breyer Vanilla Row On 2nd Try

    A California federal judge has signed off on a class of consumers who were allegedly misled by Unilever's marketing into thinking Breyers' Natural Vanilla flavor contained only natural vanilla, after a previous denial.

  2. October 27, 2021

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  4. June 14, 2021

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  5. July 17, 2020

    Unilever Can't Duck Suit Over Breyers Vanilla Ice Cream Flavor

    Unilever can't escape allegations that its advertising and marketing of Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream misled consumers into thinking the ice cream contained natural vanilla flavors despite laboratory tests showing it was flavored with things other than vanilla, a California federal judge has ruled.