Canon, Inc. v. TCL Electronics Holdings, Ltd.

  1. May 15, 2020

    COVID-19 IP Catch-Up: Source Code Woes, Generic Antivirals

    The Federal Circuit will continue to hold remote oral arguments into the summer, Gilead is allowing some generic-drug makers to produce versions of its antiviral treatment remdesivir, and companies that are allegedly upcharging for coronavirus-related products are continuing to find themselves in court for trademark law violations.

  2. May 14, 2020

    Hulu Warns Remote Source Code Viewing Could Destroy Biz

    Hulu has urgently pushed a California federal judge not to let Canon attorneys and experts access Roku's source code remotely due to COVID-19 restrictions, a plea that will now be decided by the Texas judge overseeing underlying infringement litigation.

  3. May 08, 2020

    COVID-19 IP Catch-Up: USPTO Gets Busy, Zoom Trial Begins

    The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a new update almost every day lately about how the pandemic is affecting its operations. Meanwhile, coronavirus-related issues also have been in play in court, leading to a patent trial conducted over Zoom, a fight over accessing Roku's source code remotely and more.