United States of America et al v Athenahealth, Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Government Agencies
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- State of Indiana
- State of Maryland
- State of Michigan
- State of Nevada
- State of Tennessee
Sectors & Industries:
May 10, 2023
FCA Chases 'Shrewder' Kickbacks As 50-Year Hunt Intensifies
When sophisticated drug and device companies have confronted deadly diseases and daunting approval standards, they've hired the brightest scientific and legal minds — or bribed prescribers with cash, liquor, steaks, vacations and lap dances. The latter approach undergirds a landmark law that has been fueling litigation for 50 years and enters its next half-century chasing a new generation of camouflaged kickbacks.
December 22, 2022
Athenahealth Whistleblowers Lose Atty Fee Bids In 1st Circ.
The First Circuit has denied claims for attorney fees to the plaintiffs in a set of whistleblower suits accusing Athenahealth of paying illegal kickbacks to doctors and vendors.
March 04, 2022
Athenahealth Whistleblower Wins Fees In $18M Kickback Case
A Boston federal judge has awarded $390,000 to a whistleblower who helped the government recoup $18.3 million from Athenahealth Inc. over allegations the health care technology company bribed doctors and vendors with lavish trips to events like the Kentucky Derby and the Masters Tournament.