Paddock v. PeaceHealth Inc et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Personal Inj. Med. Malpractice
Sectors & Industries:
February 07, 2024
Med Mal Case Dropped Before Wash. Justices Decide Blame
A woman treated for injuries from a car crash has dropped her malpractice lawsuit against a hospital and a doctor, in a case a federal judge sent to the Washington Supreme Court to decide if the hospital could partially blame the patient for her injuries because she was driving while intoxicated.
January 18, 2024
Wash. Justices Asked If Patient Can Be Blamed In Med Mal Case
A Washington federal judge on Thursday asked the state's Supreme Court to decide if a hospital and a doctor targeted in a medical malpractice lawsuit can defend themselves by partially blaming the suing patient because she was injured in a car crash while driving intoxicated.