1. February 09, 2022

    Groups Urge Biden Admin. To Halt New Gulf Oil Exploration

    After a recent ruling blocking a massive oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico, environmental groups are hoping to expand on that victory to halt further fossil fuel development just as the petroleum industry is seeking an appeal.

  2. January 21, 2022

    DC Judge Won't Move Offshore Oil Lease Challenge To La.

    A D.C. federal judge has rejected the state of Louisiana's attempt to move a lawsuit filed by environmentalists against the federal government's sale of Gulf of Mexico oil drilling rights to the Western District of Louisiana, ruling that the suit couldn't have been filed there in the first place.

  3. January 19, 2022

    Chevron Fights Green Groups' Bid To Sink Oil Lease Sales

    Chevron USA Inc. has asked a Washington, D.C., federal judge to reject an effort by green groups to overturn a U.S. Department of the Interior oil and gas lease sale that the company participated in to the tune of $47 million.

  4. December 13, 2021

    Energy Group Joins Suit Over Feds' Oil And Gas Lease Sale

    A D.C. federal judge allowed the American Petroleum Institute to join a suit filed by environmental groups over the federal government's sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, finding that the institute has a legally valid stake in the outcome of the litigation.

  5. October 07, 2021

    Feds Say La.'s Bid To Move Lease Suit Already Rejected Once

    The federal government has told a Washington, D.C., federal court that it shouldn't entertain Louisiana's efforts to send south a suit over an upcoming sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

  6. September 01, 2021

    Groups Seek To Block Biden Admin. Oil And Gas Lease Sale

    Conservation groups are seeking to block an upcoming sale of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico, saying the federal government relied on "incorrect and illogical assumptions" about global greenhouse gas emissions when analyzing the potential effects of potential fossil fuel extraction.