David Ciraci, et al v. J.M. Smucker Company
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March 14, 2023
6th Circ. Says Smucker's Not 'State Actor,' So Vax Mandate OK
The Sixth Circuit rejected a bid on Tuesday from former workers of J.M. Smucker Co. hoping to revive their suit that claims the food company violated their constitutional rights by denying them religious exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
January 26, 2023
6th Circ. Vexed By Ex-Smuckers Workers' COVID-19 Vax Suit
A Sixth Circuit panel on Thursday questioned why a lawsuit alleging that J.M. Smucker Co. violated the constitutional rights of workers who were denied religious exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate targeted just the company and not the Biden administration, given that the employees likened the company officials to "state actors."