State of Texas v. Becerra

  1. January 05, 2024

    Skepticism Of Agency Power Key To 5th Circ. Abortion Ruling

    A recent Fifth Circuit decision that Texas doctors are not required to provide abortions under a federal medical emergency care law is part of a broader trend of increased judicial skepticism of agency authority, as well as deference to states to decide reproductive rights in the post-Dobbs era, experts said.

  2. January 02, 2024

    5th Circ. Backs Bar Of HHS' Emergency Abortion Guidance

    The Fifth Circuit on Tuesday rejected post-Dobbs guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that requires doctors to provide abortions in certain emergencies, saying the government's guidance oversteps the language of federal law governing crisis care.

  3. November 07, 2023

    Emergency Abortion Guidance Appears Vulnerable In 5th Circ.

    The Fifth Circuit appeared poised Tuesday to reject post-Dobbs guidance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that requires doctors to provide abortions in certain emergencies, with one judge saying the government was "plucking something out of thin air" in its interpretation of federal law governing crisis care.

  4. June 22, 2023

    Abortion Litigation To Watch As Dobbs Decision Turns 1

    The U.S. Supreme Court's elimination of the constitutional right to abortion hit like an earthquake last summer, uprooting long-standing reproductive rights, triggering state laws curbing abortion access and flooding courts with litigation. A year later, legal battles promise further shake-ups to the abortion landscape.

  5. May 02, 2023

    HHS Tells 5th Circ. Texas Court Misread Post-Dobbs Guidance

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services told the Fifth Circuit that a Texas federal judge who ruled that the agency's guidance after the Dobbs decision was unlawful got it wrong and that the case is putting "the well-being of women" who experience emergency medical conditions during pregnancy at risk.