Duffy v. Yardi Systems Inc et al

  1. February 26, 2024

    Renters Say Yardi, Landlords Can't Escape Antitrust Case

    A pair of tenants have argued that Yardi Systems Inc. and a group of property owners failed to show enough to warrant a Washington federal judge tossing the plaintiffs' claims that the companies colluded to fix apartment prices using a Yardi software program.

  2. December 18, 2023

    Yardi, Firms Urge Judge To Toss Antitrust Class Claims

    Yardi Systems Inc. and a group of 10 property management companies have told a Washington federal court that a purported class is mistaken in alleging businesses that use a Yardi software program are systematically raising rents in violation of antitrust laws.

  3. September 08, 2023

    Yardi Hit With Price-Fixing Class Action Over Rental Tool

    A proposed class led by Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP told a Washington federal judge Friday that 18 property-management companies are part of a price-fixing ring powered by a Yardi Systems Inc. algorithm, after bringing similar claims last year over a competing RealPage Inc. tool.