US v. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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Case Number:



Appellate - 1st Circuit

Nature of Suit:

1376 Qui Tam False Claims Act


Sectors & Industries:

  1. February 25, 2025

    1st Circ. Decision Adds To Defense Momentum In FCA Clash

    A First Circuit decision extended a winning streak for the False Claims Act defense bar. The decision's ultimate impact on fraud prosecutions will be shaped by how whistleblowers adjust their legal strategy.

  2. February 18, 2025

    1st Circ. Backs Strict View Of Kickback Law In Blow To FCA

    In an eagerly awaited ruling, the First Circuit on Tuesday said a major avenue for False Claims Act enforcement requires proof that kickbacks directly changed treatment decisions, a holding that creates a lopsided circuit split as well as significant challenges for the U.S. Department of Justice and the plaintiffs bar.

  3. July 22, 2024

    1st Circ. Hints At Higher Bar For Feds In Anti-Kickback Cases

    The First Circuit on Monday questioned the government's assertion that Congress intended to broaden the standard for liability in False Claims Act kickback cases when it passed a key amendment in 2010.

  4. June 17, 2024

    Teva, DOJ Signal Key Kickback Case May Fizzle At 1st Circ.

    A U.S. Department of Justice kickback case against Teva Pharmaceuticals — closely watched by False Claims Act lawyers because of its multibillion-dollar stakes and its link to a major circuit split — is poised for settlement, according to a new First Circuit filing ahead of eagerly awaited oral arguments.