State of California, et al v. The Little Sisters of the Poor, et al

  1. January 29, 2019

    9th Circ. Allows Row Over ACA Birth Control Rules To Proceed

    A Ninth Circuit order that left intact but narrowed a block on the Trump administration's interim rules allowing employers to opt out of covering contraception is now open to challenge, with a panel lifting a stay that had postponed the parties' deadlines for seeking review amid the government shutdown.

  2. December 14, 2018

    9th Circ. Pares Nationwide Block Of ACA Birth Control Rules

    A split Ninth Circuit panel has narrowed a lower court's nationwide ban on Trump administration rules exempting employers with moral or religious objections from providing birth control coverage otherwise required by the Affordable Care Act, but agreed that the states' Administrative Procedure Act claims were likely to succeed.

  3. October 19, 2018

    Gov't Asks 9th Circ. To Revive New Birth Control Rules

    The Trump administration asked the Ninth Circuit on Friday to lift a nationwide ban on new rules that exempt employers with moral or religious objections from providing birth control coverage otherwise required by the Affordable Care Act, saying employers' First Amendment rights should trounce procedural requirements for passing the new regulations.

  4. August 17, 2018

    Nationwide Ban OK For Trump Birth Control Rules, States Say

    Five states challenging Trump administration rules exempting employers from providing health care coverage for birth control due to moral or religious objections said the Ninth Circuit could uphold a nationwide injunction on the policy, arguing a recent ruling ending a national bar on the president's sanctuary city policy didn't mean all broad injunctions must be scrapped.

  5. May 30, 2018

    Groups Urge 9th Circ. To Keep ACA Birth Control Rules Halted

    Dozens of reproductive rights, civil liberties, gender equality, religious and health groups on Tuesday supported California, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Virginia in urging the Ninth Circuit to uphold a nationwide block on Trump administration rules permitting employers to claim religious or moral exemptions to the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.

  6. May 22, 2018

    9th Circ. Urged To Keep ACA Birth Control Rules Blocked

    The states of California, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Virginia told the Ninth Circuit on Monday that a California federal judge was right to block Trump administration rules letting employers forgo covering birth control under the Affordable Care Act by claiming moral or religious opposition to its use.