USA v. Esformes et al

  1. February 22, 2024

    Esformes Gets Time Served In Plea Deal With Gov't

    The yearslong prosecution against Miami nursing home mogul Philip Esformes ended Thursday when he pled guilty to one of the pending healthcare fraud charges against him and was sentenced to time served.

  2. February 01, 2024

    Fla. Nursing Home Mogul Reaches Plea Deal With Feds

    Florida nursing home mogul Philip Esformes, whose conviction on various healthcare fraud-related charges was left alone by the U.S. Supreme Court, has reached a plea deal with prosecutors on pending healthcare fraud charges against him, a Florida federal court revealed Thursday.

  3. December 15, 2023

    Esformes In Talks With Feds After Supreme Court Rejection

    Florida nursing home mogul Philip Esformes is in discussions with prosecutors about pending healthcare fraud charges against him after the U.S. Supreme Court said it would not take up the appeal of his conviction.

  4. August 13, 2021

    Court Sets $50M Bond For Esformes Ahead Of Fraud Retrial

    A Florida federal judge on Friday set a $50 million surety bond sought by prosecutors for former Miami nursing home mogul Philip Esformes, who awaits retrial on six unresolved charges after his 20-year sentence for money laundering and other crimes was commuted by President Donald Trump.

  5. May 04, 2021

    DOJ Plans To Retry Remaining Charges Against Esformes

    Prosecutors said Tuesday they do not intend to drop the six pending charges against former Miami nursing home mogul Philip Esformes, whose sentence was commuted late last year by President Donald Trump.

  6. February 03, 2021

    Feds Seek Forfeiture From Trump-Commuted Fraudster

    Federal prosecutors have asked a Florida federal court to approve the forfeiture of real estate and bank accounts owned by former Miami nursing home mogul Philip Esformes, whose 20-year prison sentence was commuted by former President Donald Trump last year, to partially satisfy a $38.7 million judgment against him.

  7. May 19, 2020

    Ex-Hospital Exec In Esformes Case Scores COVID-19 Release

    A former hospital director serving a 15-month prison term for participating in a massive health care fraud scheme with Miami nursing home mogul Philip Esformes can finish her sentence at home given the risk COVID-19 poses to the 53-year-old's health, a Florida federal judge ruled Monday.

  8. April 10, 2020

    Esformes' Asthma Not Risky Enough For COVID-19 Release

    Former nursing home mogul Philip Esformes will remain in prison while appealing a 20-year sentence and awaiting possible retrial on several charges after a Florida federal judge ruled Thursday that his asthma does not put him at acute risk during the COVID-19 pandemic and his conviction for obstructing justice reinforces his continued detention.

  9. November 26, 2019

    Esformes Can't Use Frozen Assets For Appeal, Feds Argue

    A Florida federal judge should deny convicted nursing home mogul Philip Esformes' bid to access frozen assets to pay lawyers for an appeal because the funds are now subject to a lien to satisfy a recently imposed $44.2 million forfeiture and restitution judgment against him, federal prosecutors argued.

  10. November 21, 2019

    Esformes Told To Pay $44.2M In Massive Health Fraud Case

    A Florida federal judge came in under prosecutors' goal Thursday when he ordered convicted nursing home mogul Philip Esformes to pay $44.2 million in restitution and forfeiture for orchestrating what the U.S. Department of Justice earlier billed as the largest health care fraud case it has ever prosecuted.