ExxonMobil Oil Corporation v. TIG Insurance Company

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Case Number:



Appellate - 2nd Circuit

Nature of Suit:

4896 Other Statutes

  1. August 12, 2022

    2nd Circ. Upholds $25M Award To Exxon, Axes Some Interest

    A district court correctly sent a pollution coverage dispute between ExxonMobil and its insurer to arbitration but wrongly awarded the energy company pre-arbitral award interest beyond the policy's $25 million liability limits, a Second Circuit panel said in a published opinion Friday.

  2. May 11, 2022

    Review Of Exxon's $25M Award Could Have Global Impact

    The Second Circuit's review of ExxonMobil Corp.'s $25 million arbitration award in a pollution coverage dispute, which was initially confirmed by a federal judge who held stock in the company, will have a direct impact on Americans' confidence in the judicial system and could have global ramifications, experts say.

  3. January 07, 2021

    ExxonMobil Aims To Sink 2nd Circ. Appeal Of $25M Award

    ExxonMobil Oil Corp. is asking the Second Circuit to reject an appeal from TIG Insurance Co. over a $25 million arbitration award for coverage of groundwater contamination lawsuits, saying the arbitration process is backed by the policy.