GEICO General Insurance Company et al v. M.O. et al
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March 10, 2023
HPV Suit Not Covered By Geico Auto Policy, Judge Says
Geico is not responsible for covering a policyholder against a woman's claim that she contracted HPV during sexual encounters in his vehicle, a Missouri federal court ruled Friday, saying sexual relations do not constitute a "use" of the vehicle as defined in the policy.
January 06, 2023
The 5 Strangest Insurance Cases Of 2022
Insurance protects policyholders from unforeseen situations, but some circumstances are so strange that even insurers could not have predicted them.
June 27, 2022
Auto Policy Doesn't Cover HPV Transmission, Geico Says
Geico shouldn't have to cover a $5.2 million arbitration award over a woman's claim she contracted HPV during sexual encounters in a policyholder's car, the insurer told a Missouri federal court, arguing its policy covers only bodily injury arising from the normal use of an automobile.