February 07, 2023
In re: East Palestine Train Derailment
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Class Action
- AltmanNewman
- Anapol Weiss
- Aylstock Witkin
- Barkan & Robon
- Barnes & Thornburg
- Barrack Rodos
- Bartlit Beck
- Beasley Allen
- Benesch
- Berger Montague
- Bertram & Graf
- Betras Kopp
- Burg Simpson
- David Graham Law
- Dickie McCamey
- Dowd Bennett
- Dworken & Bernstein
- Elk & Elk
- Emerson Firm
- Fibich Leebron
- Frantz Ward
- Goldenberg Schneider
- Grant & Eisenhofer
- Haynes Boone
- Herzfeld Suetholz
- Kirkland & Ellis
- Levin Sedran
- Lieff Cabraser
- Lipson O'Shea
- Lynch Carpenter
- Lynn Pinker
- Milberg Coleman
- Morgan & Morgan
- Motley Rice
- Murray & Murray
- Nicolaides Fink
- Peiffer Wolf
- Plakas Mannos
- Robert Peirce & Associates
- Roberts Matejczyk
- Schlichter Bogard
- Seeger Weiss
- Shapero Roloff
- Simmons Hanly
- Smith Pauley
- Strauss Troy
- Vorys
- Weitz & Luxenberg
- WilmerHale
- Wright & Schulte
- Zoll & Kranz
- American Family Insurance Group
- Braskem SA
- Erie Insurance Inc.
- Gatx Corporation
- Norfolk Southern Corp.
- Safeco Insurance Co.
- Trinity Industries Inc.
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
November 25, 2024
GATX Rips Norfolk Southern's Bid To Shift Derailment Liability
GATX Corp. and its subsidiary General American Marks Co. have told an Ohio federal court that Norfolk Southern cannot offload liability for the February 2023 East Palestine derailment and toxic chemical spill, saying there's zero evidence GATX improperly maintained or inspected a tank car involved in the accident.
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