Bernard et al v. Progressive Waste Solutions of LA, Inc. et al

  1. August 30, 2023

    Louisiana Residents Seek Class Cert. In Landfill Odor Suit

    Residents of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, urged a federal judge in the state to grant them class certification in their consolidated litigation against a landfill accused of emitting toxic fumes, saying their claims are best dealt with on a classwide basis because they are nuisance-, not medical injury-based.

  2. March 15, 2019

    4 La. Nuisance Class Actions Must Remain In Fed. Court

    Nuisance allegations brought by a resident of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, over a nearby smelly landfill are not exempt from the Class Action Fairness Act and have to stay in federal court, a federal judge has ruled, deciding the law applied to it and three other similar suits.