AMG Capital Management, LLC, et al., Petitioners v. Federal Trade Commission

  1. July 09, 2020

    Supreme Court To Review FTC Restitution Authority

    The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Thursday to review the Federal Trade Commission's authority to order restitution to consumers who have been hurt by fraud and other bad behavior in the marketplace.

  2. January 21, 2020

    FTC's Antitrust Powers Under Indirect Attack

    The Federal Trade Commission's consumer protection program could be upended by three pending U.S. Supreme Court petitions challenging the commission's authority to get fraudsters to fork over cash, but the FTC's competition enforcement could also be hurt if the justices ultimately strip its ability to seek financial penalties in court.

  3. December 17, 2019

    FTC Wants High Court To Hold Off On Review Of $1.3B Award

    The Federal Trade Commission is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hold off on reviewing a pro race car driver's appeal of a $1.3 billion restitution award in a case alleging he ran predatory loan companies, saying the justices should decide a separate case involving the Securities and Exchange Commission first.

  4. October 22, 2019

    Pro Racer Takes $1.3B FTC Award Fight To Supreme Court

    Pro race car driver Scott Tucker has gone to the U.S. Supreme Court to fight a $1.3 billion restitution award against him in a case by the Federal Trade Commission alleging he ran predatory loan companies, saying federal law does not allow restitution for cases like his.