Sierra Club, et al v. Joseph Biden, et al

  1. October 16, 2020

    Sierra Club Asks 9th Circ. For Emergency Halt Of Border Wall

    The Sierra Club has urged the Ninth Circuit to issue an emergency ruling immediately stopping the Trump administration from building several southern border wall segments, saying the government isn't complying with a related injunction and is causing irreversible damage.

  2. October 13, 2020

    9th Circ. Says Border Wall Doesn't Support Defense Mission

    A Ninth Circuit majority ruled that President Donald Trump can't use emergency powers to divert $3.6 billion in defense funding for Southern border wall construction projects, finding that the projects don't support the U.S. armed forces as required by law.

  3. March 10, 2020

    Trump Admin. Asks 9th Circ. To Let It Divert $3.6B For Wall

    The Trump administration urged the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday to overturn a lower court's ruling blocking the reallocation of $3.6 billion in military construction funds to build a wall on the southern border, arguing that the president has the authority to move such funds during a national emergency.

  4. February 21, 2020

    Veterans, Ex-Lawmakers Join 9th Circ. Border Wall Fund Fight

    Veterans, former lawmakers and ex-federal government officials have called on the Ninth Circuit to stop President Donald Trump from pulling defense funds to finance a border wall, warning that the funding diversion puts soldiers at risk and undermines Congress' intent.

  5. February 14, 2020

    States, Enviros Ask 9th Circ. To Block Border Wall Funds

    Several states and environmental groups asked the Ninth Circuit to prevent the Trump administration from diverting $3.6 billion that Congress earmarked for military construction projects to building a southern border wall.

  6. January 02, 2020

    9th Circ. Won't Enforce Wall Construction Block Amid Appeals

    The Ninth Circuit has endorsed a California federal judge's decision to pause his ruling against President Donald Trump's diversion of federal funds for border wall construction, leaving just one injunction blocking the plan to build barriers with money Congress budgeted for other purposes.

  7. December 17, 2019

    Feds' Failure To Free $3.6B In Wall Funds Tees Up Circuit Fight

    A Texas federal judge refused Tuesday to lift his order blocking the Trump administration from spending $3.6 billion of military funds to construct a border wall, teeing up a fight in two circuit courts over the blocked funds.