Protect Our Parks Inc et al v. Buttigieg et al

  1. October 06, 2022

    Ill. Court Rejects Proposed Path For Obama Center Appeal

    An Illinois federal judge has rejected an agreed bid to end district court proceedings and quickly reach Seventh Circuit review of a lawsuit challenging the Obama Presidential Center's construction, calling for a discussion regarding more appropriate steps to advance the case.

  2. March 30, 2022

    Ill. Court Cuts State Claims From Obama Center Challenge

    An Illinois federal judge has dismissed every state law claim that was raised in the latest lawsuit looking to block the planned construction of former President Barack Obama's presidential center in Chicago's Jackson Park.

  3. August 20, 2021

    High Court Won't Halt Obama Library Construction In Chicago

    The U.S. Supreme Court won't halt construction of former President Barack Obama's multimillion-dollar presidential library in Chicago's Jackson Park, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett rejecting on Friday an emergency injunction request filed by an environmental advocacy group just days earlier.

  4. August 05, 2021

    Obama Center Opponents Can't Halt Construction

    Opponents of former President Barack Obama's planned $500 million presidential center in Chicago's Jackson Park can't stop its construction, an Illinois federal judge ruled Thursday, finding that their federal claims fell short of warranting a preliminary injunction.

  5. July 16, 2021

    Chicago Nonprofits Say Work On Obama Center Should Begin

    Three long-standing Chicago nonprofits urged an Illinois federal court to deny a bid to stop construction on former President Barack Obama's planned presidential center, saying it would interfere with the groups' efforts "to spur Chicago's vitality as a leading city."

  6. June 16, 2021

    Foes Of Obama Center Slam 'Orwellian' Environmental Review

    Opponents of former President Barack Obama's planned presidential center are once again seeking to stop construction while a court hears its allegations that the government flubbed an environmental review and that officials in "good Orwellian fashion" have improperly framed the project's harms as "improvements."

  7. April 16, 2021

    Chicago's Obama Center Draws New Fight From Old Foe

    The same day the city of Chicago announced it would start work on former President Barack Obama's planned $500 million presidential center, a past opponent of the project lodged a new attempt to block it in federal court by targeting the federal agencies that greenlighted construction.