State of Louisiana et al v. Biden et al

  1. August 02, 2022

    Zoning, Carbon Regulation Among Top Construction Lawsuits

    While major cases proceeded in state courts — including the $1 billion Surfside condo collapse settlement in Florida and a rail yard contract dispute in Texas — federal courts had their hands full of construction-related litigation during the first half of 2022.

  2. March 10, 2022

    La. Judge Says Biden Lacked Authority In Emissions Regs

    A Louisiana federal judge on Wednesday said the Biden administration's revamp of cost estimates for greenhouse gas pollution, which attempts to include global effects of emissions, runs afoul of statutory limitations on the White House's power.

  3. February 22, 2022

    US Asks Louisiana Judge To Stay GHG Social Cost Order

    The federal government on Friday asked a Louisiana federal judge to stay his order nullifying an effort to increase cost estimates resulting from greenhouse gas pollution while an appeal moves ahead in the Fifth Circuit.

  4. February 11, 2022

    Biden Admin.'s Carbon Social Cost Metric Barred By Judge

    A Louisiana federal judge on Friday blocked the Biden's administration's efforts to increase the government's cost estimates resulting from greenhouse gas pollution, siding with several Republican-led states that argued that the president doesn't have the authority to enforce the estimates and that higher costs would irreparably harm their economies.

  5. February 07, 2022

    US Urges Court Not To Block Use Of Carbon Cost Metric

    The federal government Friday told a Louisiana federal judge that a group of GOP-led states is grasping at legal straws in an effort to move ahead with their attempt to block implementation of the Biden administration's process for determining the harms of greenhouse gas pollution.

  6. April 22, 2021

    10 States Sue Biden Over Greenhouse Gas Cost Initiative

    A group of 10 states on Thursday alleged President Joe Biden exceeded his authority and circumvented normal rulemaking procedure when he instructed federal agencies to institute an expanded system for calculating greenhouse gas pollution's harms.