Ho Wan Kwok

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  1. September 01, 2023

    Bankruptcy Court Bans Access To Kwok Mansion In NJ

    A Connecticut bankruptcy court judge has banned associates of Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok from accessing a $26.5 million mansion in Mahwah, New Jersey, connected to the billionaire, agreeing with a Chapter 11 trustee that the building needs to be protected because it is not insured.

  2. August 31, 2023

    Kwok Asks NY Criminal Judge To Shut Down Conn. Chapter 11

    Exiled Chinese billionaire and alleged fraudster Ho Wan Kwok has asked a federal judge in the Southern District of New York to stay his voluntary Connecticut bankruptcy, claiming the parallel case violates his right against self-incrimination and impacts his ability to mount a criminal defense.

  3. August 29, 2023

    Kwok Ch. 11 Trustee Fights For Mansion, Wins Apartment Row

    The Chapter 11 trustee overseeing the Connecticut bankruptcy of accused fraudster and Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok won court approval to settle an access dispute with Kwok's son involving a luxury New York apartment Tuesday, as they were also battling over access to a New Jersey mansion.

  4. August 22, 2023

    Kwok's Daughter Is Subject Of Fed. Criminal Probe, Atty Says

    Mei Guo, the daughter of exiled Chinese billionaire Ho Wan Kwok, repeatedly invoked the Fifth Amendment during questioning Tuesday in her father's Connecticut Chapter 11 case after her attorney revealed that Guo is the subject of a federal criminal investigation herself.

  5. August 18, 2023

    GTV Media Group Found In Contempt In Kwok's Ch. 11

    A bankruptcy judge in Connecticut on Friday held a media group founded by former White House adviser Steve Bannon and since-incarcerated Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok in contempt of court for failing to respond to Rule 2004 examinations in Kwok's Chapter 11 case.

  6. August 15, 2023

    Trustee To Depose Alleged Creditors About $27M Kwok Ties

    Four alleged creditors will be deposed about their relationship with Ho Wan Kwok and their motive for seeking $27 million as part of a Chapter 11 trustee's probe into several entities that could be included in the Chinese exile's estate, attorneys revealed during a Tuesday bankruptcy court hearing.

  7. July 26, 2023

    Bankruptcy Judge Holds Ho Wan Kwok In Contempt Of Court

    A bankruptcy judge in Connecticut on Wednesday held Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok in contempt of court for failing to submit to a Chapter 11 trustee's Rule 2004 examination, saying the "broad and extraordinary nature" of the relief afforded by the bankruptcy process demanded the debtor's cooperation.

  8. July 26, 2023

    Trustee Targets Key Co. Kwok Used For Ch. 11 'Shell Games'

    The Chapter 11 trustee overseeing the $376 million Connecticut-based bankruptcy of Ho Wan Kwok has filed adversary proceedings against two entities within the Golden Spring corporate umbrella, saying they are among the shell companies the Chinese exile has used to hide assets from creditors.

  9. July 21, 2023

    Kwok Daughter, Law Firm Appeal Sanctions In Ch. 11 Case

    Arguing that U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Julie A. Manning committed an "abuse of discretion," the daughter of Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok and the New Jersey-based law firm that represents her have pushed back against a sanctions order over discovery violations in Kwok's Connecticut Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

  10. July 18, 2023

    Judge Ponders Contempt For GTV Media As Ex-Dir. Testifies

    An attorney who says he was the last person standing at GTV Media Group Inc., a company allegedly connected to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and Chinese exile Ho Wan Kwok, testified Tuesday during a contempt hearing that he does not believe Kwok maintains any active businesses.