State of Louisiana v. U S Environmental Protection Agency et al

  1. May 17, 2024

    Industry Emboldened After Justices Galvanize Agency Attacks

    In the year since the U.S. Supreme Court said "extraordinary" and "far-reaching" attacks on administrative enforcers can skip agency tribunals and go straight to federal district court, ambitious challenges to regulatory powers are rapidly gaining traction, and the high court is poised to put them on an even firmer footing.

  2. May 15, 2024

    EPA Urges La. Court Not To Broadly Block Civil Rights Regs

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has told a Louisiana federal judge that the state's bid to block EPA regulations that involve disparate impact components would inappropriately impact the EPA's authority beyond the state's own agencies.

  3. January 24, 2024

    La. Wins Injunction Against EPA On Disparate Impact Rules

    A Louisiana federal judge will allow the state to temporarily block the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from imposing certain environmental justice requirements on permitting and grant decisions, finding the state is likely to prevail in its challenge.

  4. October 02, 2023

    Louisiana Looks To Preserve Enviro Justice Legal Challenge

    Louisiana on Friday slammed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's "frantic response" to its lawsuit alleging the EPA illegally attempted to strong-arm state agencies into adopting environmental justice policies, urging a federal judge to keep the litigation alive.

  5. August 17, 2023

    EPA Moves To Quash Louisiana Environmental Justice Suit

    U.S. environmental regulators said in a memo filed in Louisiana federal court that the state's challenge to anti-discrimination measures employed in the cause of environmental justice is rooted in investigations abandoned nearly two months ago, and that its claims suffer from "fundamental" jurisdictional and merits flaws.

  6. August 04, 2023

    The Biggest Enviro Cases To Watch In 2023: Midyear Report

    Courts around the U.S. will be weighing important environmental legal issues over the rest of 2023, including how much courts should defer to agency expertise, whether young plaintiffs can sue the U.S. over its energy policies and whether the Biden administration has overstepped in its efforts to enforce its environmental justice priorities.

  7. June 27, 2023

    EPA Drops Louisiana Environmental Justice Investigations

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday told Louisiana officials that it had ceased investigations into civil rights violations by state agencies regarding pollution from a petrochemical plant and suggested that the state drop its lawsuit alleging federal overreach to pursue environmental justice.

  8. June 22, 2023

    Louisiana Says EPA Overstepping On Environmental Justice

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking liberties enforcing the Civil Rights Act by improperly giving community groups decision-making power and considering how pollution disparately affects particular racial groups, Louisiana told a federal judge on Wednesday.

  9. May 25, 2023

    La. Sues EPA Over Environmental Justice Requirements

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is allegedly attempting to implement and enforce unauthorized environmental justice policies under the Clean Air Act in furtherance of the agency's decision to "moonlight as a social justice warrior" for minority communities often disproportionately harmed by pollution, according to a new lawsuit launched by Louisiana officials.