Elisabeth Regina von Pezold, et al v. Republic of Zimbabwe
November 14, 2024
DC Circ. Says Zimbabwe Must Pay $440M In Land Dispute
The D.C. Circuit has affirmed the enforcement of approximately $440 million of arbitral awards against Zimbabwe that were issued to a Swiss-German family and two forestry and sawmill companies, agreeing with a lower court that the country waived its sovereign immunity in the land dispute.
May 15, 2024
Family, Cos. Seek $440M Zimbabwe Award Enforcement
Two forestry and sawmill companies plus a family have asked the D.C. Circuit to enforce approximately $440 million of arbitral awards they won against the Republic of Zimbabwe, saying the court "plainly" has jurisdiction under the arbitration exception contained in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
February 14, 2024
Zimbabwe Says It Didn't Waive Immunity In $440M Award Feud
A D.C. federal judge improperly leaned on Second Circuit precedent in ruling that Zimbabwe can't escape the enforcement of two arbitration awards stemming from the southern African country's controversial land reform program, Zimbabwe told the D.C. Circuit.