November 22, 2023
1925 Hooper LLC et al v. The National Association of Realtors et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Class Action
- Alston & Bird
- Armstrong Teasdale
- Arnall Golden
- Berman Fink
- Boulware Law
- Caplan Cobb
- Cohen Milstein
- Councill Gunnemann
- Freeman Mathis
- Groth Makarenko
- Hagens Berman
- Kabat Chapman
- Knight Palmer
- Lewis Brisbois
- Quinn Emanuel
- Saul Ewing
- Stone & Baxter
- Susman Godfrey
- Vinson & Elkins
- Williams Dirks
- Wilson Elser
- Womble Bond
- Anywhere Real Estate Inc.
- Century 21 Real Estate LLC
- Christie's International PLC
- Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC
- Compass Minerals International, Inc.
- ERA Franchise Systems LLC
- HomeServices of America Inc.
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
March 06, 2025
Ga. Attys Fight Bid To 'Hijack' $44M Realtor Settlement
Attorneys hoping to finalize a $44 million class action settlement in Georgia with four real estate brokerages urged a federal judge Thursday to reject a bid to "hijack" their litigation by the lawyers behind the series of landmark settlements with the National Association of Realtors and various brokerages over their fee inflation practices.
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