Detroit, City of v. United States Department of Commerce et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



Michigan Eastern

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other


Matthew F. Leitman


Government Agencies

  1. December 05, 2024

    Detroit Needs More Evidence In Census Row, Judge Says

    A Michigan federal judge gave the city of Detroit another chance Thursday to prove the U.S. Census Bureau undercounted the city's population and negatively impacted its federal funding, telling the city it wouldn't have standing to sue the federal government without such evidence.

  2. March 27, 2024

    Detroit Claims Feds' Headcount Skewed By Demolitions

    The federal government is underestimating Detroit's population as it penalizes the city for demolishing abandoned homes and ignores the rehabilitation of vacant homes, causing the city to lose out on federal funds tied to population, Detroit said in a lawsuit filed Tuesday.