December 17, 2008
In re: 650 Fifth Avenue and Related Properties
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Akerman LLP
- Berliner Corcoran
- Boies Schiller
- Cohen Milstein
- Cyrulnik Fattaruso
- Debevoise & Plimpton
- DLA Piper
- Foote Mielke
- Heideman Nudelman
- Herrick Feinstein
- Howarth & Smith
- Jaffe & Asher
- Katten Muchin
- Kobre & Kim
- McGuireWoods
- Offit Kurman
- Patterson Belknap
- Ramey & Hailey
- Reed Smith
- Spertus Landes
- Stark & Stark
- Stroock & Stroock
- Sullivan & Cromwell
- The Berkman Law Office
- Wiggins Childs
- Zuckerman Spaeder
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
March 02, 2020
Feds Told They Can't Sit On Rent From Iran-Linked Building
An Iran-linked charity can again start collecting the rent from a Midtown office building that prosecutors have targeted in a decade-old sanctions case after a Manhattan federal judge ruled on Monday that freezing the money is akin to seizing the property and triggers due process concerns.
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