Harrison v. United States of America
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
August 03, 2017
Outdoor Gear Co. Gets Partial Atty Fees After IRS Fight
An outdoor gear company's jury win in a tax refund suit entitles it to some but not all of the attorneys' fees it requested, an Idaho federal judge ruled on Thursday, saying that there was some reasonable cause for the IRS to bring the case and that the attorney's requested rate was too high.
March 09, 2017
Gov't Wants Attys' Fees Limited In Tax Penalty Fight
An outdoor gear company's jury win in a tax refund suit does not entitle it to the amount of attorneys' fees it is requesting, the U.S. government told an Idaho federal judge on Thursday, asking that that part of the company's fee request be denied.
February 07, 2017
Jury Says Outdoor Gear Co.'s Late Tax Payment Not Negligent
An Idaho federal jury has sided with an outdoor gear company in its refund suit against the IRS, finding the company had not been willfully negligent and had reasonable cause to pay its excise taxes late, according to a verdict publicly filed Monday.
December 22, 2016
No Quick Win For IRS In Excise Tax Penalty Dispute
An Idaho federal judge has declined to side with the IRS in a suit brought by an outdoor gear company seeking a refund of penalties it paid over late excise taxes, finding questions remained about the company's business practices at the time its taxes were due.