Best Key Textiles Co. Ltd. v. US

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Case Number:



Appellate - Federal Circuit

Nature of Suit:

  1. December 08, 2016

    Fed. Circ. Won't Rethink Yarn Maker Customs Ruling

    The full Federal Circuit refused Wednesday to rehear a panel decision to not let a Chinese yarn maker transfer its case over the customs classification for certain products out of the U.S. Court of International Trade, where the suit faces dismissal.

  2. August 15, 2016

    Fed. Circ. Unravels Bid To Move Yarn Maker's Customs Fight

    The Federal Circuit on Monday said that a Hong Kong yarn maker cannot transfer its suit against allegedly improper customs classification of its merchandise to a District of Columbia federal court, asserting that previous rulings have made clear the case belongs in the U.S. Court of International Trade.

  3. February 23, 2016

    Yarn Maker Wants Tariff Case To Wind Up In Federal Court

    A Chinese yarn maker that says its business unraveled when U.S. customs officials reclassified one of its products urged the Federal Circuit again on Monday to move its case to District of Columbia federal court.

  4. September 02, 2015

    Yarn Maker Urges Fed. Circ. To Transfer Its Duty Challenge

    Best Key Textiles Co. Ltd. told the Federal Circuit Tuesday that the U.S. Court of International Trade abused its discretion by refusing to consider whether its bid for a lower tariff on garments made from its metal-infused yarn should have been transferred to a federal court.