United States of America v. Park et al

  1. October 01, 2018

    Survivors Of Placebo Bracelet Maker Contest $3.5M Fine

    The family of a deceased man — whose company selling ionized bracelets to relieve arthritic pain plunged into bankruptcy amid a false advertising scandal — has urged an Illinois federal court to toss out the U.S. government's lawsuit for more than $3.5 million in penalties, saying that the man's estate was properly administered under South Korean law.

  2. August 13, 2018

    US Renews Bid To Collect $4M From Fraudster's Survivors

    The U.S. is trying for a third time to collect tax penalties from the wife and children of a deceased fraudster whom the government claims willfully neglected to report numerous foreign bank accounts.

  3. October 06, 2017

    Illinois Judge Tosses Claims Against Kids Of FTC Fraudster

    An Illinois District Court judge on Thursday dismissed the government's claims against the children of now-deceased Q-Ray ionized bracelet developer Que Te Park for transferee liability and fiduciary liability with regard to a trust that Park had established.

  4. February 09, 2017

    US Sues To Collect $4M Fine Over 'Placebo' Bracelet

    The federal government is pursuing the South Korean widow of the Q-Ray Ionized Bracelet developer for more than $3.97 million in unpaid penalties stemming from a false advertising scandal that plunged the company into bankruptcy, saying the alleged fraudster stashed millions in offshore accounts before he died in 2012.